Download the Evaluation and unzip the file on the server
Read the End-User License Agreement
Install the Solution with PowerShell like this (for updates, first retract and delete the solution in Central Administration):
Add-SPSolution "C:\Temp\modulerix Navigation Tools.wsp"
Deploy the Solution in Central Administration to the Web Applications
Or use PowerShell like this:
Install-SPSolution -Identity "modulerix Navigation Tools.wsp" -AllWebApplications -GACDeployment
Activate the Navigation Web Part Feature on each Site Collection. This task is only necessary if you want to use the Navigation Web Part on a Site Collection, the free API is always available after deployment of the Solution.
Or use PowerShell like this:
Enable-SPFeature -Identity "modulerix Navigation Web Part" -url "http://<site url>"
To activate/register your license, start the License Manager application on the server (run as Administrator) and activate/register your license.